Recipes for Apples

How exciting! While I'm waiting for Hubby to finish shaving and showering and getting ready for our big day, and Son is doing schoolwork (yes, even on a Holiday!), I'm working on our recipes for apples.

We decided to come up with lots of e-books for recipes, and are separating them out by main ingredient. Thought we'd start with apples (we recently picked a whole tub full). This morning, Hubby gathered all of our cookbooks and my special recipe files. I'm going through them, looking at my notes and pulling cards. I've already come up with 27 apple recipes, and still have to finish going through our family's cookbooks.

Then... we'll spend the next week making delicious apple goodies... from Waldorf Salad to Apple Brown Betty to Ambrosia and Apple Cake. Some are lactose-free, some are gluten-free, some are heart-healthy, and MOST use stored foods. Some are all of them! And ALL are delicious! Most will even pass my Son-Test.

Recipe e-book will be available hopefully by April 2009.

Ok, it's my turn for the shower, and then I need to get the green bean cassarole in the oven. Son is done with schoolwork (finally) and needs to walk the dog before taking his own shower. Wonder if I should curl my hair?

Happy Thanksgiving, EVERYONE!

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