Recipe: All-Vegg Powder

As a mom of a picky eater, I have to be creative to get a variety of vegetables into my VHTS (Very Hungry Tween Son). He LOVES fresh fruit, and some veggies (raw spinach, raw broccoli, raw cauliflower and raw carrots), but it doesn't go much beyond that. I've tried dehydrating bits of broc and cauli but he doesn't like them that way. He'll eat dried corn and peas, but those are the only veggies.

A friend turned me onto "all-vegg powder". Here's basically how to make it:
  • Dehydrate lots of different kinds of vegetables. Include the above plus eggplant, celery, tomatoes, potatoes, okra and much more. Buy dried if you don't garden. Add dried garlic, onion and spices if you'd like. (For spices, a little goes a long way.)
  • Using a mortar/pestle, spice grinder or any other way you can, make powder from the various dried vegetables. We have a little food processor that cost $12 at Wal-Mart. Works great.
  • Mix the different veggies and spices together.
  • Store in a tightly-sealed mason jar. Lightly shake before opening for use.
  • Sprinkle this on rice, in mashed potatoes topped with cheese, in scrambled eggs, and any other way you can think.

Above: Provident Pantry (PP) cauliflower pieces, parsley from Vitamin Cottage (VC), spinach flakes from VC, PP broccoli florets, carrots from VC, soup vegetables from VC, onion flakes from VC and garlic granules from VC. This is just part of what I've powdered to make all-vegg powder. I also included from our garden: dried eggplant, dried tomatoes, dried okra, etc.

NOTE: This is a good way to get more raw-food nutrition - especially if you have dehydrated your own veggies and know they were done at a temperature less than 115 degrees F.

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