Tomato Update

I had no idea what to write about today. Just sitting at the computer, thinking, making notes, and pretty much wracking (racking?) my brain. I happened to glance at the plastic shoe tub with my 6 tomato starters in it. Wonder how they're doing? It was a busy weekend, and I hadn't checked them since Friday.

Here's a pic of them on 3/6/09, when I first placed the seeds in the rehydrated Jiffy Pellets:

Here's a pic of them today - 3/21/09! Two have sprouted... The Amish Paste and the MoneyMaker ... two I've never grown before. The top left and bottom left are the ones that sprouted. Don't they look beautiful! I love this part.... when the itty bitty seedlings burst above the "soil's crust".
Here in the Denver area we're actually supposed to get some snow today or maybe later this week. Yeah, right. We've barely gotten any this year. So.. to make it more Spring like, I think I'll sow some more seeds, for the plants we'll leave behind when we sell the house (or we'll eat, depending on how long it takes to sell the house.) Watermelon, cantaloupe, carrots, greens, etc.

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