Money Saver Menu #5: Chicken

Here's another money-saver-menu! I got a good deal on the chicken thighs, so that whole dinner, in the foil-pocket, was really cheap!

.26 = yogurt, bought on sale
.08 = 2 tablespoons grape nuts in yogurt
.50 = fresh pear (.99/lb)
.84 total for breakfast

.10 = 2 slices whole wheat bread, with
.25 = 1/4 of cream cheese ($1.00 each) spread on one slice, and
.25 = 1/2 cucumber (2 cukes for $1.00) sliced on the cream cheese, and
.01 = dash of onion powder sprinkled over
.44 = 1/2 can sliced peaches
.32 = 2 servings plain potato chips from big bag
1.37 total for lunch

Dinner (See recipe at Chicken and Veggies in Foil Pockets):
2.78 = pkg 4 chicken thighs
1.00 = can of pineapple
.28 = chili sauce
.10 = honey
2.00 = dried vegetables/onions
6.16 total, but serves 4 people so... $1.54 per person for dinner

These three meals are very filling, and cost a total of $3.75. This doesn't include any desserts, drinks or snacks, but with $1.25 leftover, you could afford a couple more pieces of fruit!

1 comment:

Marimoy said...

This is a tasty menu. Thanks!