Money Saver Menu #4: Potatoes and Pasta

When trying to figure out the next money saver menu, I was noticing how cheap potatoes can be, when bought in bulk. Sometimes you can find a bag with 10-12 potatoes for around a dollar. That prompted today's dinner menu: stuffed potatoes!

.25 = 1 serving rolled oats cooked with...
.20 = 1 serving raisins then added to it...
.05 = 1 tablespoon honey
.08 = 1 cutie orange to the side

.20 = 1 serving pasta (spaghetti is usually cheapest), dressed with...
.13 = 2 tablespoons olive oil... and
.19 = 1 tablespoon green can parmesan cheese... and
.20 = 2 tablespoons pine nuts... and
.37 = 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
.23 = 1 pear, bought on sale

.20 = 2 baked potatoes (1 @ .10 ea), topped with...
.20 = 2 servings butter (1 @ .10 ea)... and
.10 = 2 tablespoons chopped onion (1 @ .05 ea)... and
.60 = 4 tablespoons hormel bacon (1 @ .15 ea tablespoon)... and
.04 = 2 tablespoons dried spinach (1 @ .02 ea)
.25 = 1/2 can peas and carrots

These three meals total $3.29, way under our $5.00 goal. Does not include snacks, drinks or leftovers. The stuffed potatoes for dinner is very filling... add 1/2 a can of garbanzo beans/chickpeas for $.50 if you need more protein.

If you need more protein for dinner, add a boiled egg for about $.25 each. You could spend the remaining $1.71 for snacks like more fruit and veggies, popcorn, or drinks. Or place it in a jar to save for something special.


Marimoy said...

This is a fantastic post! Thanks for this. I think I am now a fan! Expect to see me some more.

ThrtnWmsFam said...

Thanks Mimi! I work hard on these money-saving-menues. Vikki