So many ingredients!

I am moving in a few months, and thought I'd go through my ingredients for my homemade healthy MREs. Maybe prepare enough meals for two for a few months.

Wow! I have so many ingredients, and still have more dehydrating in my Excalibur. Do I stop dehydrating and make the meals? So I leave my jars out and pack them last?

Seriously, if I needed ingredients for only my picky-eater son, there would be no problem. Pasta. Various cheeses and milk products. Dried fruit and dried peas.  That's about it.

BUT not only do I enjoy more variety, I still need to experiment with more recipes for my homemade healthy MRE book and blog ( ).

What to do.  What to do.

As an aside, what kinds of posts would you like to see me add to this blog?

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