Recipe: Marinated Radishes and Cucumbers

This can marinade in the fridge for up to 36 hours. Tasty quick pickles!

1 cup slices of radishes
1 cup slices of cucumbers
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup chopped scallions (green and white)
1 tablespoons sugar

Place the cucumbers and radishes in a mason (glass) jar with tight lid. Combine the rest of the ingredients and pour over radishes and cucumbers. Screw on lid and refrigerate about 12 hours, lighting shaking and mixing occasionally. When ready to serve, drain liquid, and serve with the onions sprinkled over the radishes and cucumbers.

Add white pepper to the marinade if desired.

Copyright (c) 2009 V P Lawrence-Williams

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