Ate Out - oh no

Yesterday we didn't spend much time at home, between the long drive to check out the new place and general crankiness from the delayed closing, so here's what we did yesterday:

-goat yogurt
-handful dry gf cereal

Lunch (at Village Inn):
Kid: eggs, bacon, applesauce, milk
Me: turkey and bacon flat-bread sandwich, applesauce, chamomile tea

Well, I'm embarrassed to say that we ate out again for dinner.... met up with Hubby who we don't usually see during the week.

Dinner (at Outback Steakhouse):
Kid: baked potato, orange juice (carrots later at home)
Me: salad, sweet potato, grilled shrimp
Hubby: pork tenderloin, string beans, garlic mashed potatoes

So... I didn't do great planning meals yesterday. Barely any veggies. Hope to do better today - we still have some fresh zucchini I harvested the other day and we sure do like them raw!

On a good note... we're actually supposed to close today! Streamers! Confetti! Okay, hold on... maybe I should wait until we've actually signed the documents. I just don't trust the situation.


Adventures in Self Reliance said...

Good luck too you. As far as the eating out thing, I have found out when I am stressed that eating out is kind of an outlet for me.
Of course that's more than the 1 time in a month I plan on.Most folks do it 4 or 5 times a week for . Plus you have the added stress of your whole life being up in the air. Don't beat yourself to bad, If you need a guest blogger I would be happy to help. I have about 7-10 projects I am trying to get done in the next 30 days. So lots of material available.

Off Grid Survival said...

Hey just wanted to let you know that we appreciate your blog and added you to our list of survival websites at

Phil said...

My very best wishes to you.

Good luck and thanks for what you do for us.


TheSurvivalMom said...

Don't apologize for eating out! We've been remodeling our home over the summer, and sometimes we're eating out twice a day. I HATE IT, but when your floors are being completely refinished and you can't get into the kitchen, there's not much choice. Good luck with selling your house! We're actually thinking of putting ours' on the market, too.
